B1 Listening Exam 3 Part 1

Part 1

Questions 1 - 10
You are going to hear 10 passages. For questions 1 – 10, choose the correct answer A, B or C. You will hear each recording TWICE. You now have one minute to read the questions.

1. What colour dress is the woman wearing?
A. Red and silver.
B. Green and cream.
C. Gold and white.

2. Sarah was unable to contact Alexandra because... 
A. Alexandra had turned her mobile phone off.
B. Sarah did not have enough time to phone her.
C. The battery of Alexandra’s mobile needed charging.


3. François says the area is famous because... 
A. it is in the centre of Paris.
B. many artists lived there.
C. it has a beautiful church.


4. Where did Paula and her husband go for their honeymoon? 
A. Hawaii.
B. Thailand.
C. Dubai.


5. Which present is James most excited about? 
A. A new computer.
B. Money.
C. An expensive holiday.

6. Which musical instrument does Colin play now? 
A. The guitar.
B. The piano.
C. The saxophone.

7. Hannah is described as ...
A. being tall with long blonde hair.
B. being short with long brown hair.
C. having short blonde hair.

8. Which dental appointment did the man take? 
A. 4 o’ clock today.
B. 11.30 today.
C. 8.30 tomorrow morning.

9. What is on the corner of Lune Street? 
A. A baker’s.
B. A supermarket.
C. A bank.

10. Which subject do David and Zena BOTH enjoy? 
A. Spanish.
B. Chemistry.
C. Mathematics.

Part 1 
1. B
2. C
3. B 
5. A
7. B
8. A
9. C 
10. C

Part One. Dialogue 1.

A. This is a lovely restaurant, Robert. Have you been here before? 
B. No, I haven't. I really like the way the restaurant has been designed and the red and silver colours that have been used. It's very romantic, isn't it. 
A. It yes, it is the food looks delicious as well, don't you think? 
B. Yes, I do. And I must say, Christine, you look lovely tonight. That's new dress, really suits you. Especially the colour. 
A. Thank you. I love wearing green. It always seems to be a good colour for me even when I wear it with another colour such as cream. Like the pattern in this dress. 
B. Yes, and it goes really well with that gold necklace I bought you. Are you wearing the matching bracelet?  
A. No. I'm afraid the phone rang as I was getting ready and I forgot to put it on. I would have worn it otherwise. I love white gold. It's so fashionable. 
B. Yes, it was very expensive, but you're worth it.  

Now listen again. 

Dialogue 2

A. Sarah, you're here at last. I was getting really worried about you. 
B. Hi, Alexandra, sorry I'm late. You wouldn't believe what happened today. 
A. I hope it's nothing bad.
B. Yes, I'm afraid so.
I was getting ready to meet you and my dad phoned. My mother's had an accident this morning and dad rang to say he was taking her to hospital. I tried to phone you on your mobile to let you know I'd be late, but there was no answer. I thought you might have turned your phone off. 
A. I'm sorry about that. The battery needs charging, but what about your mother? How is she? 
B. Oh, she's OK. She's broken her ankle, so she'll be off work for a few weeks. 

Now listen again. 

Dialogue 3

A. So Francois, tell me about where you live in Paris. I've never been there, but it seemed such a fascinating place.
Paris is a very beautiful city with lots of sights to see and things to do. I live about 20 minutes from the centre of the city in a nice quiet area called Montmartre. It's famous because over a100 years ago lots of artists used to live there.
A. How interesting!
B. It's also a very old part of Paris, with old buildings and narrow streets t
hat tourists love to visit. 
A. So do many tourists go there? 
B. Oh yes, it's extremely busy in summer. In fact, it's almost impossible to drive around the area because there are so many tourists. There is also a beautiful church on top of a hill. 
A. It sounds just the kind of place I would like to visit because I just love art and painting as well as history. 
B. Well, you must come and visit me there sometime. 
A. Oh, yes, please. I would love to. And you must come to America as well. 
B. Oh, definitely. That's one country I have always wanted to see. 

Now listen again. 

Dialogue 4

A. Well, Paula has been married for three weeks now.
B. Yes, it was a great wedding, wasn't it? I thought Paula's dress was really beautiful.
A. So did I. And the flowers were really gorgeous. I wonder if they're enjoying their honeymoon.
B. Of course they are. Where did they go? B. Was it to Hawaii or to Thailand?
A. I don't think it was either of those places. I know they wanted to go to Hawaii originally, but it was so expensive they changed their minds. Then the hotel they liked in Thailand was fully booked, so they decided on Dubai.
B. Yes, that's right. But don't you remember what happened next?
B. The hotel in Thailand had a cancellation, so they booked the honeymoon suite there. 
A. Oh yes, I remember now. 

Now listen again. 

Dialogue 5

A. It's your birthday next week, isn't it James?
B. Yes, I'm so excited. I'm getting a lot of presents.
A. Do you know what presents you're getting? 
B. Well, I know my parents are buying me a new computer. My old one broke a few weeks ago. I hate being without the Internet. I can't e-mail anyone or chat online. 
A. Yes, I would hate that too. 
B. I'm hoping to get some games as well. I'll probably get some money from my sister. I'm going to save that for my holiday, so I have some money to spend. We're having a really great holiday in the summer in Canada. I can't wait. 
A. Lucky you, a holiday and a great birthday. 
B. I'm not sure which I'm looking forward to, most probably being able to e-mail. And chat online again. 

Now, listen again.

Dialogue 6

A. Can you play a musical instrument, Susan?
Yes, Colin, I play the guitar. I really enjoy it. Do you play any instruments?
A. Well, I used to play the guitar as well, but I gave it up when I was about 13 years old and I've always regretted that. Then I started learning the piano, but I wasn't very good.
B. Did you enjoy playing the piano? 
A. Not as much as the guitar. So then I started to learn the saxophone. I really enjoyed playing that. 
B. So do you play any of these now or have you given up playing music completely? 
A. No, I haven't. I did start to play the guitar again about six months ago, but my love of the saxophone was stronger, so I started to learn it again. 
B. We should get together sometime to practise. 

Now listen again. 

Dialogue 7

A. I'm really pleased Hannah is going to be in our class. She seems such a nice girl. I hope we can be friends.
Hannah? Who's Hannah? I haven't noticed her. What does she look like? Is she pretty?
A. She started school last week. You were in class. You must have seen her. 
B. Is she the tall girl with blonde hair.
A. No, that's Olga. She began coming to school about a month ago. Where h
ave you been? 
B. Then Hannah must be the girl with. short blonde hair. She sat behind me in physics yesterday. 
A. No, that's Andrea. She's had a haircut. I can't believe you didn't recognise her. 
B. Well, I was tired yesterday. Oh. Just a minute. Does Hannah have long brown hair? And she's not very tall and usually carries her green bag. You ate lunch with her today? 
A. That's right. But she carries a red bag, not a green one. 

Now listen again. 

Dialogue 8

A. Good morning. Doctor Brown's dental surgery. Can I help you?
B. Hello. I'd like to see a dentist as soon as possible, please.
A. Is it urgent? Do you need to see him immediately?
B. Yes if p
ossible. I've had terrible toothache for three days now. 
A. I'm sorry, but there are no appointments until 4:00. O'clock this afternoon. Can you wait until then? 
B. Oh, dear, Oh dear, isn't there an earlier one? Couldn't you give me an emergency appointment? 
A. One moment please let me check. We've had a cancellation this morning so you could come at 11:30. 
B. I can't because I have to take my son to the opticians then. Isn't there anything else?
A. Not really. The next appointment I could give you would be 8:30 tomorrow morning.
B. Oh, that's no good. It's too late. 
A. I'm sorry, but that's all we have today. 
B. OK, I'll take the first appointment you offered me. I'll just have to suffer until then. 

Now listen again. 

Dialogue 9
A. Excuse me, I'm trying to find a bus station. Could you tell me how to get there please? 
B. Sure, you're quite a long way from the bus station. It'll take you about 20 minutes to walk there. 
A. Oh dear. Never mind. I'll have to find it. Could you help? 
B: You need to walk to the bottom of this road, turn left and then second right.
A. OK, turn left, then second right. 
B. Then you will see a bakers on your left and a supermarket opposite. Walk to the end of that street which is called Loom St. Go past the bank on the corner, cross the road and keep walking straight down that road for about 10 minutes. 
A. Maybe I should write all this down? Past Bakers bank crossover.
B. When you get to the end of that road, you'll see the bus station straight ahead of you. 
A. Thank you very much for your help. 

Now listen again.

Dialogue 10

A. I really enjoyed my Spanish class today. It was great fun and I learned so many new words.
Spanish is OK, but I prefer French. 
A. Well, I think Spanish is one of my favourite lessons now. 
B. Do you? I don't enjoy languages as much as chemistry. I really love learning about science and chemicals. It fascinates me. 
A. Yeah, sciences are not my best subjects. I much prefer languages and I also like history. 
B. Oh, history is so boring. Who wants to learn about dead people and wars and those kinds of things. 
A. I can't believe you feel that way. I love history. I do enjoy mathematics, even though it's difficult at times. What about you?
B. Yes, I like mathematics too. I don't like it as much as chemistry though. But it is an interesting subject. It's a million times better than History any day.

Now listen again.

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